Riding boots are not only expensive, they are also one of the most important pieces of equipment for every rider. For these reasons, it is important to keep boots safe.
Our riding boot bag has proven itself as protection against dust and moisture, coupled with the practical option of being able to carry and stow the boots better. Boot protectors are included, which also protect the high-quality leather from external influences.
Well stowed away, and thanks to the two handles on the bag, the pair of boots is ready again with a flick of the wrist.

• Fleecestulpen für extra Schutz der Reitstiefel
• Innentasche für z.B. Sporen und weiteres Zubehör
• Aus einem strapazierfähigen Kodurastoff gefertigt.

The riding boot bag comes with fleece cuffs. These protect the boot shafts and can also be used to quickly polish the boots. There are 2 inside pockets for spurs etc.

The boot bag is 58 cm high and is suitable for dressage boots. It is flexible at the top and thus also offers space for boots that are slightly higher than 58 cm. The almost all-round zip makes the bag easy to handle.
pattern fabric
The riding boot bag is also available with sample fabrics on request. Please contact us if you are interested.